Dr. Kathrin Knirsch

Academic Council
Room: | 04.041 |
Phone: | +49 (0) 9131 85 65 586 |
E-Mail: | kath rin.knirsch@fau.de |
Diploma Thesis
Untersuchungen zur reduktiven Mehrfachaddition an Graphen
Ph.D. Thesis
Functionalization and Characterization of 2D Layered Materials – Graphene and Molybdenum Disulfide
Research area
Inorganic 2D Materials
6)K. C. Knirsch, F. Hof, V. Lloret, U. Mundloch, F. Hauke, A. Hirsch
Topology-Driven Reductive Silylation of Synthetic Carbon Allotropes
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 15642-156475)K. C. Knirsch, R. A. Schäfer, F. Hauke, A. Hirsch Mono- and Ditopic Bisfunctionalization of GrapheneAngew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 5861-5864
4)K. C. Knirsch, N. C. Berner, H. C. Nerl, C. S. Cucinotta, Z. Gholamvand, N. McEvoy, Z. Wang, I. Abramovic, P. Vecera, M. Halik, S. Sanvito, G. S. Duesberg, V. Nicolosi, F. Hauke, A. Hirsch, J. N. Coleman, C. Backes Basal-Plane Functionalization of Chemically Exfoliated Molybdenum Disulfide by Diazonium SaltsACS Nano 2015, 9, 6018-6030
3)J. M. Englert, P. Vecera, K. C. Knirsch, R. A. Schäfer, F. Hauke, A. Hirsch Scanning-Raman-Microscopy for the Statistical Analysis of Covalently Functionalized GrapheneACS nano 2013, 7, 5472-5482
2)K. C. Knirsch, J. M. Englert, C. Dotzer, F. Hauke, A. Hirsch Screening of the chemical reactivity of three different graphite sources using the formation of reductively alkylated graphene as a model reactionChemical Communications 2013, 49, 10811-10813
1)J. M. Englert, K. C. Knirsch, C. Dotzer, B. Butz, F. Hauke, E. Spiecker, A. Hirsch Functionalization of graphene by electrophilic alkylation of reduced graphiteChemical Communications 2012, 48, 5025