Dr. Florian Beuerle

Ehemaliger Ph.D. Student
Hochregioselektive Synthese von [60]Fullerentrisaddukten mit e,e,e,-Additionsmuster durch tripodale Malonatsysteme
- Regioselective synthesis of [60]fullerene adducts with spherically defined addend zones
- Fullerenes in biological and medical applications
6)F. Beuerle, A. Hirsch Synthesis and Orthogonal Functionalization of [60]Fullerene e,e,e-Trisadducts with Two Spherically Defined Addend ZonesChemistry - A European Journal 2009, 15, 7434-7446
5)F. Beuerle, A. Hirsch Synthesis of Amphiphilic [60]Fullerene [3:3]Hexakisadducts with Four Spherically Defined Addend ZonesChemistry - A European Journal 2009, 15, 7447-7455
4)G. Liu, M. Filipović, I. Ivanović-Burmazović, F. Beuerle, P. Witte, A. Hirsch High Catalytic Activity of Dendritic C60 Monoadducts in Metal-Free Superoxide DismutationAngewandte Chemie International Edition 2008, 47, 3991-3994
3)F. Beuerle, P. Witte, U. Hartnagel, R. Lebovitz, C. Parng, A. Hirsch Cytoprotective activities of water-soluble fullerenes in zebrafish modelsJournal of Experimental Nanoscience 2007, 2, 147-170
2)P. Witte, F. Beuerle, U. Hartnagel, R. Lebovitz, A. Savouchkina, S. Sali, D. Guldi, N. Chronakis, A. Hirsch Water solubility, antioxidant activity and cytochrome C binding of four families of exohedral adducts of C60 and C70Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 2007, 5, 3599
1)F. Beuerle, N. Chronakis, A. Hirsch Regioselective synthesis and zone selective deprotection of [60]fullerene tris-adducts with an e,e,e addition patternChemical Communications 2005, 3676