Dr. Michael Brettreich

Akademischer Oberrat
Raum: | 04.035 |
Tel: | +49 (0) 9131 85 65 584 |
E-Mail: | mich ael.brettreich@fau.de |
Konvergenter Aufbau von 1->3 C-verzweigten Dendrimeren mit C60 als Kerneinheit
Wasserlösliche und amphiphile Fulleren-Derivate: Synthese, Aggregationsverhalten und biologische Eigenschaften
Praktikum und Seminar Organische Chemie für Studierende der Fächer "Biologie" und " Molekulare Medizin" (Studon-Link)
Praktikum und Seminar Organische Chemie für "Lehramt Chemie Gymnasium" (Studon-Link)
24)F. Hoermann, M. Brettreich, W. Donaubauer, F. Hampel, A. Hirsch Highly Efficient Synthesis of Globular (Bola)amphiphilic [5:1]Hexakisadducts of C60Chem.-Eur. J. 2013, 19, 2814-2825
23)F. Hoermann, M. Brettreich, W. Donaubauer, F. Hampel, A. Hirsch Highly Efficient Synthesis of Globular (Bola)amphiphilic [5:1]Hexakisadducts of C60Chem.-Eur. J. 2013, 19, 2814-2825
22)B. Grimm, E. Karnas, M. Brettreich, K. Ohta, A. Hirsch, D. M. Guldi, T. Torres, J. L. Sessler Charge Transfer in Sapphyrin−Fullerene Hybrids Employing Dendritic EnsemblesThe Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2010, 114, 14134-14139
21)A. Kahnt, D. M. Guldi, M. Brettreich, U. Hartnagel, A. Hirsch Reaction of water-soluble fullerenes with O2˙− and other reactive radical speciesJournal of Materials Chemistry 2010, 20, 83
20)K. Rosenlehner, T. Schunk, N. Jux, M. Brettreich, A. Hirsch Layer-by-layer deposition of molecular oligoelectrolytes—investigation of assembling and degradation behaviourOrganic & Biomolecular Chemistry 2008, 6, 2697
19)A. Hirsch, M. Brettreich Fullerenes – Chemistry and ReactionsWiley-VCH Verlag GmbH&Co. KG, Weinheim 2004, 1983-2001
18)N. Gharbi, S. Burghardt, M. Brettreich, C. Herrenknecht, S. Tamisier-Karolak, R. V. Bensasson, H. Szwarc, A. Hirsch, S. R. Wilson, F. Moussa Chromatographic Separation and Identification of a Water-Soluble Dendritic Methano[60]fullerene OctadecaacidAnalytical Chemistry 2003, 75, 4217-4222
17)M. Braun, S. Atalick, D. M. Guldi, H. Lanig, M. Brettreich, S. Burghardt, M. Hatzimarinaki, E. Ravanelli, M. Prato, R. Eldik van, A. Hirsch, et al. Electrostatic Complexation and Photoinduced Electron Transfer between Zn-Cytochrome c and Polyanionic Fullerene DendrimersChemistry - A European Journal 2003, 9, 3867-3875
16)A. Quaranta, D. J. McGarvey, E. J. Land, M. Brettreich, S. Burghardt, H. Schönberger, A. Hirsch, N. Gharbi, F. Moussa, S. Leach, et al. Photophysical properties of a dendritic methano[60]fullerene octadeca acid and its tert-butyl ester: evidence for aggregation of the acid form in waterPhysical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2003, 5, 843-848
15)R. V. Bensasson, M. N. Berberan-Santos, M. Brettreich, J. Frederiksen, H. Göttinger, A. Hirsch, E. J. Land, S. Leach, D. J. McGarvey, H. Schönberger, C. Schröder Erratum: Triplet state properties of malonic acid C60 derivatives C60[C(COOR)2]n; R = H, Et; n = 1-6 (Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2001) 3 (4679))Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2002, 4, 1682
14)S. Foley, A. D. M. Curtis, A. Hirsch, M. Brettreich, A. Pelegrin, P. Seta, C. Larroque Interaction of a water soluble fullerene derivative with reactive oxygen species and model enzymatic systemsFullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures 2002, 10, 49-67
13)S. Tamisier-Karolak, S. Pagliarusco, C. Herrenknecht, M. Brettreich, A. Hirsch, R. Céolin, R. V. Bensasson, H. Szwarc, F. Moussa Electrophoretic behavior of a highly water-soluble dendro[60]fullereneELECTROPHORESIS 2001, 22, 4341-4346
12)I. Texier, M. N. Berberan-Santos, A. Fedorov, M. Brettreich, H. Schönberger, A. Hirsch, S. Leach, R. V. Bensasson Photophysics and Photochemistry of a Water-Soluble C60 Dendrimer: Fluorescence Quenching by Halides and Photoinduced Oxidation of I-The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2001, 105, 10278-10285
11)R. V. Bensasson, M. N. Berberan-Santos, M. Brettreich, J. Frederiksen, H. Göttinger, A. Hirsch, E. J. Land, S. Leach, D. J. McGarvey, H. Schönberger, et al., Triplet state properties of malonic acid C60 derivatives C60[C(COOR)2]n; R = H, Et; n = 1-6Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2001, 3, 4679-4683
10)D. I. Schuster, S. R. Wilson, A. N. Kirschner, R. F. Schinazi, S. Schlueter-Wirtz, P. Tharnish, T. Barnett, J. Ermolieff, J. Tang, M. Brettreich, A. Hirsch Evaluation of the anti-HIV potency of a water-soluble dendrimeric fullereneProc. - Electrochem. Soc. 2000, 2000-, 267-270
9)O. Vostrowsky, M. Brettreich, S. Burghardt, A. Hirsch, C. Bottcher, A. P. Maierhofer, M. Hetzer, S. Bayerl, T. M. Bayerl Globular amphiphiles: Membrane forming hexakisadducts of fullerene C60AIP Conference Proceedings 2000, 544, 50-53
8)M. Brettreich, S. Burghardt, C. Böttcher, T. Bayerl, S. Bayerl, A. Hirsch Globular Amphiphiles: Membrane-Forming Hexaadducts of C60Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2000, 39, 1845-1848
7)N. Gharbi, M. Pressac, V. Tomberli, T. Da Ros, M. Brettreich, M. Hadchouel, B. Arbeille, F. Trivin, R. Ceolin, A. Hirsch, M. Prato, H. Szwarc, R. V. Bensasson, F. Moussa In vivo behavior of two C60 derivativesProc. - Electrochem. Soc. 2000, 2000-, 240-243
6)I. Texier, A. Fedorov, M. N. Berberan-Santos, R. Bensasson, H. Schonberger, M. Brettreich, A. Hirsch, C. Crowley, A. Rassat Photophysical properties of mono and multifunctionalized C60 methano derivativesProc. - Electrochem. Soc. 2000, 2000-, 223-232
5)R. V. Bensasson, M. Brettreich, J. Frederiksen, H. Gottinger, A. Hirsch, E. J. Land, S. Leach, D. J. McGarvey, H. Schonberger Reactions of e-aq, CO2·-, HO·, O2·- and O2(1Δ(g)) with a dendro[60]fullerene and C60[C(COOH)2]n (n = 2-6)Free Radical Biol. Med. 2000, 29, 26-33
4)A. P. Maierhofer, M. Brettreich, S. Burghardt, O. Vostrowsky, A. Hirsch, S. Langridge, T. M. Bayerl Structure and Electrostatic Interaction Properties of Monolayers of Amphiphilic Molecules Derived from C60 -Fullerenes: A Film Balance, Neutron-, and Infrared Reflection StudyLangmuir 2000, 16, 8884-8891
3)K. Feldrapp, W. Brütting, M. Schwoerer, M. Brettreich, A. Hirsch Photovoltaic effect in blend systems and heterostructures of poly(p-phenylenevinylene) and C60Synthetic Metals 1999, 101, 156-157
2)M. Brettreich, A. Hirsch A highly water-soluble dendro[60]fullereneTetrahedron Letters 1998, 39, 2731-2734
1)M. Brettreich, A. Hirsch Convergent Synthesis of 1 → 3 C-Branched Polyamide DendronsSynlett 1998, 1396-1398