Dr. Jan M. Englert

Ehemaliger Ph.D. Student
bis 2013
WITec Wissenschaftliche Instrumente und Technologie GmbH | |
E-Mail: | jan. englert@fau.de |
Covalent and Non-Covalent Functionalization of Expanded Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons
Functionalization of Graphene
19)N. Richter, Y. Hernandez, S. Schweitzer, J. Kim, A. Patra, J. Englert, I. Lieberwirth, A. Liscio, V. Palermo, X. Feng, A. Hirsch, K. Müllen, M. Kläui Robust Two-Dimensional Electronic Properties in Three-Dimensional Microstructures of Rotationally Stacked Turbostratic GraphenePhys. Rev. Applied 2017, 7, 024022/1-024022/10
18)A. Kratzer, J. M. Englert, D. Lungerich, F. W. Heinemann, N. Jux, A. Hirsch Synthesis and first X-ray structure of a hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene-fullerene-dyad: a model for an inter-carbon-allotrope hybridFaraday Discuss. 2014, 173, 297-310
17)J. M. Englert, J. Malig, V. A. Zamolo, A. Hirsch, N. Jux HBC-porphyrin - close contact chromophoresChem. Commun. 2013, 49, 4827-4829
16)R. A. Schäfer, J. M. Englert, P. Wehrfritz, W. Bauer, F. Hauke, T. Seyller, A. Hirsch On the way to graphane-pronounced fluorescence of polyhydrogenated grapheneAngewandte Chemie International Edition 2013, 52, 754-7
15)D. Waldmann, B. Butz, S. Bauer, J. M. Englert, J. Jobst, K. Ullmann, F. Fromm, M. Ammon, M. Enzelberger, A. Hirsch, S. Maier, P. Schmuki, T. Seyller, E. Spiecker, H. B. Weber Robust graphene membranes in a silicon carbide frameACS nano 2013, 7, 4441-8
14)J. M. Englert, P. Vecera, K. C. Knirsch, R. A. Schäfer, F. Hauke, A. Hirsch Scanning-Raman-Microscopy for the Statistical Analysis of Covalently Functionalized GrapheneACS nano 2013, 7, 5472-5482
13)K. C. Knirsch, J. M. Englert, C. Dotzer, F. Hauke, A. Hirsch Screening of the chemical reactivity of three different graphite sources using the formation of reductively alkylated graphene as a model reactionChemical Communications 2013, 49, 10811-10813
12)A. Hirsch, J. M. Englert, F. Hauke Wet chemical functionalization of grapheneAccounts of chemical research 2013, 46, 87-96
11)F. Jakubka, S. P. Schießl, S. Martin, J. M. Englert, F. Hauke, A. Hirsch, J. Zaumseil Effect of Polymer Molecular Weight and Solution Parameters on Selective Dispersion of Single-Walled Carbon NanotubesACS Macro Letters 2012, 1, 815-819
10)J. M. Englert, K. C. Knirsch, C. Dotzer, B. Butz, F. Hauke, E. Spiecker, A. Hirsch Functionalization of graphene by electrophilic alkylation of reduced graphiteChemical Communications 2012, 48, 5025
9)F. Hof, S. Bosch, J. M. Englert, F. Hauke, A. Hirsch Statistical Raman Spectroscopy: An Method for the Characterization of Covalently Functionalized Single-Walled Carbon NanotubesAngewandte Chemie International Edition 2012, 51, 11727
8)J. M. Englert, A. Hirsch, X. Feng, K. Müllen Chemical Methods for the Generation of Graphenes and Graphene NanoribbonsAngewandte Chemie 2011, 123, A17
7)J. M. Englert, C. Dotzer, G. Yang, M. Schmid, C. Papp, M. J. Gottfried, H. Steinrück, E. Spiecker, F. Hauke, A. Hirsch Covalent bulk functionalization of grapheneNature Chemistry 2011, 3, 279-286
6)J. Malig, J. M. Englert, A. Hirsch, D. M. Guldi Wet Chemistry of GrapheneECS - Interface 2011, 16, 53
5)J. M. Englert, F. Hauke, X. Feng, K. Müllen, A. Hirsch Exfoliation of hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene in waterChemical Communications 2010, 46, 9194
4)S. Pang, J. M. Englert, H. N. Tsao, Y. Hernandez, A. Hirsch, X. Feng, K. Müllen Extrinsic Corrugation-Assisted Mechanical Exfoliation of Monolayer GrapheneAdvanced Materials 2010, 22, 5374-5377
3)N. V. Kozhemyakina, J. M. Englert, G. Yang, E. Spiecker, C. D. Schmidt, F. Hauke, A. Hirsch Non-Covalent Chemistry of Graphene: Electronic Communication with Dendronized Perylene BisimidesAdvanced Materials 2010, 22, 5483-5487
2)C. Backes, J. M. Englert, N. Bernhard, F. Hauke, A. Hirsch Optical Visualization of Carbon Nanotubes-a Unifying Linkage Between Microscopic and Spectroscopic Characterization TechniquesSmall 2010, 6, 1968-1973
1)J. M. Englert, J. Röhrl, C. D. Schmidt, R. Graupner, M. Hundhausen, F. Hauke, A. Hirsch Soluble Graphene: Generation of Aqueous Graphene Solutions Aided by a Perylenebisimide-Based BolaamphiphileAdvanced Materials 2009, 21, 4265-4269