Dr. María Eugenia Pérez-Ojeda Rodríguez

Post Doc
Raum: | 02.134 |
Tel: | +49 (0) 9131 85 65 504 |
E-Mail: | euge nia.perez-ojeda@fau.de |
Education and Research Experience
Current |
Postdoc at University of Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany). Institute of Organic Chemistry II. Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy. Fullerene selective functionalization. Inter-carbon-allotropes nanostructures. Prof. A. Hirsch
April 2015-April 2016 |
Postdoc at the Institute for Polymer Science and Technology Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), Madrid (Spain). Macromolecular Chemistry Dr. A. Gallardo, Dr. H. Reinecke and Dr. C. Elvira
Sept 2014-March 2015 |
Postdoc collaboration with the National Center for Cardiovascular Research. Super-Resolution Microscopy Unit. (CNIC, Madrid). Prof V. Caiolfa.
July 2014 |
PhD in Physical Chemistry. Complutense University of Madrid (UCM, Spain). “Development of New Hybrid Nanomaterials for Biophotonic applications” Supervisors: Prof. I. García-Moreno and Dr. J. L. Chiara.
Sept2008- June 2009 |
Master Degree in High Specialization Master in Plastics and Rubber (60 ECTS) International University Menéndez Pelayo (UIMP). “Polymers functionalized with laser dyes: synthesis, characterization and evaluation of their properties” Supervisors: Prof. R. Sastre, Dr. O. García and Dr. J. L. Chiara. |
Sept 2002- Feb 2008 |
Bachelor's degree in Chemistry. Complutense University of Madrid (UCM)
- BestPhD Thesis in Madrid Community awarded by RSEQ (Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry). (May 2015)
- PhD Thesis award. Awarded by Carbohydrate Group from RSEQ (Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry). (August 2015)
- PhD Thesis award. Awarded by Complutense University (Madrid).
Apple Academic Press, New Jersey (USA), 2012,