Dr. Gonzalo Abellán Sáez

Raum: | 3-050 |
Tel: | +49 (0) 911 650 78 650 31 |
Fax: | +49 (0) 911 650 78 650 15 |
E-Mail: | gonz alo.abellan@fau.de |
September 2014: Marie Curie Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Michael Fickert, Graduate student, University Erlangen-Nuremberg.
Erik Weinreich, Master Thesis, University Erlangen-Nuremberg.
Vicent Lloret, PhD student, University Erlangen-Nuremberg.
Stefan Wild, PhD student, University Erlangen-Nuremberg.
Hexagonal NiFe-LDH: a route towards layered multifunctional materials through exfoliation, restacking and nanoscale film preparation
Hybrid magnetic materials based on layered double hydroxides: from the chemistry towards the applications
- Graphene (chemical functionalization and multifunctional systems)
- Hybrid Materials
- Layered Double Hydroxides
- Magnetism
- Energy Storage
- Antimonene, Black Phosphorus and 2D Materials beyond Graphene
Selected Awards
2017 XII City of Algemesí Scientific and Technical Award
2016 Doctoral Extraordinary Award to the Best PhD Thesis in Chemistry (University of Valencia)
2015 Selected to attend the 65th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting (Lindau)
2015 Tenth City of Algemesí Scientific and Technical Award (accessit)
2014 Valencia Idea 2014 Award (first prize in Energy and Environmental)
2013 IEF Marie Curie Fellowship (granted before obtaining the PhD)
2012 Director of External Relations of MUDIC-VBS-CV Museum of Science (University Miguel Hernández-Spain)
2012 European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) Graduate Student Award 2012 (Strasbourg)
Invited Seminars at Universities and Research Institutions
Habilitandabend JungChemikerForum GDCh, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, November 2017, Erlangen (Germany).
Faculty of Natural Sciences, Miguel Hernández University, November 2017, Elche (Spain).
Lehrstuhl für Angewandte Physik, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, November 2017, Erlangen (Germany).
Institute for Advanced Materials INAMAT, Public University of Navarra, September 2017, Pamplona (Spain).
Faculty of Natural Sciences, Ulm University, July 2017, Ulm (Germany).
Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, ETH Zurich, June 2017, Zurich (Switzerland).
School of Physics, Trinity College Dublin, July 2016, Dublin (Ireland).
IFIMAC, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, December 2015, Madrid (Spain).
Chemistry Department, University of Potsdam, April 2015, Potsdam (Germany).
Department of Applied Chemistry, Public University of Navarra, January 2014, Pamplona (Spain).
Invited Contribution to International Conferences
3rd International Conference on Functional Molecular Materials FUNMAT2017, November 2017, Kraków (Poland).
231st ECS Meeting, June 2017, New Orleans (EEUU).
X European School on Molecular Nanoscience and the V Workshop on 2D Materials, May 2017, El Escorial-Madrid (Spain).
Graphene Flaghship Symposium, February 2017, Tenerife (Spain).
8th Engineering of Advanced Materials Symposium, November 2016, Kloster Banz (Germany).
XXXth International Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials, February 2016, Kirchberg in Tirol (Austria).
4rd International Symposium on Energy Challenges & Mechanics–Working on Small Scales (ISECM), August 2015, Aberdeen (Scotland, UK).
SFB-953 Symposium, December 2014, Bad Staffelstein (Germany).
I Forum on Technology Transfer in Valencian Community, June 2013, Valencia (Spain).
External Co-Supervisor
Jorge Romero, PhD student, University of Valencia-Spain.
Jose Alberto Carrasco, PhD student, University of Valencia-Spain.
3. Coronado, E., Prima-García, H., Abellán, G., Romero, J. Method of obtaining a graphitized
carbon matrix and metal nanoparticles nanocomposite by galvanostatic charging and discharging cycles under the action of magnetic fields, and the material so obtained. Patent pending P201600602 (Spain).
2. Abellán, G., Coronado, E., Ribera, A. Nanocomposites consisting on graphitized matrix and metallic nanoparticles with supercapacitive and magnetoresistive properties. Patent EP2818570A1 (Spain). WO2013124503A1 (International).
1. Abellán, G., Coronado, E., Ribera, A. Zamora, F., Mas-Balleste, R., Rodriguez, D. Preparation of corrugated and porous graphene from COFs and its application as supercapacitors. WO 2015075294A1 (International).